Facts about Bioheat® Fuel Oil

Benvenuti Oil Company only delivers premium Bioheat® fuel oil. It’s a cleaner burning, renewable fuel that helps promote better air quality in your home and may extend the life of your system. Connecticut and other New England states have been recently pushing for cleaner energy, and we’re pleased to say that Bioheat® fuel fits the bill. Here is some information about Bioheat® fuel that we hope you find helpful. If you have more questions, we invite you to give our office a call anytime.

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Bioheat Fuel Oil Delivery in Southeastern Connecticut

Fast Facts about Bioheat® Home Heating Oil

  • Bioheat® home heating fuel produces the same satisfying heat as “regular oil”
  • You don’t have to make any modifications or upgrades to your burner or tank
  • You don’t have to buy any new equipment or pay expensive conversion costs
  • You can feel great about your home heating system and fuel choice
  • According to studies, Bioheat® fuel performs just as well as, if not better than, traditional heating oil
  • Bioheat® fuel lubricates your home heating system
  • You don’t have to change your budget plan, payment plan, service contract, or warranties



Bioheat® Fuel Is the Energy of the Future

The majority of residents and homeowners in Southeastern CT care about the environment, and that’s one reason why we’re pleased to provide Bioheat® fuel oil to our customer base—along with helping the environment, we’re also helping give you a sense of pride in your fuel choice. Please remember that you can order Bioheat® fuel from Benvenuti anytime online, by phone, or by downloading our mobile app for iOS or Android.

To learn more about the benefits of Bioheat, download the “Benefits of Bioheat” booklet or visit bioheatnow.com.